

Your Complete Guide to Pre and Post Care

Download your comprehensive pre and post-care guide below for printing.

Pre Treatment


Cleanse the skin twice daily with plain, lukewarm water and gentle cleanser. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant before (or after treatment).  


You can apply moisturizer at any time. Moisturizers should not contain fragrances, color, or any essential oils. We have several recommended options in the spa that have been proven safe and improved results.  


Do not use Retin A or retinol-containing products for at least three days before laser treatment. We recommend using hydroquinone before treatment (contact us if you have a darker skin tone and have questions). Stop hydroquinone three days before treatment.  


If you are prone to cold sores and want a prescription for Valtrex, please get in touch with us or your doctor – this will be necessary for any laser near your mouth.  

If your doctor needs to put you on an antibiotic for other reasons, or if you take antibiotics regularly, please let us know – we may need to reschedule your laser or adjust your medications with your doctor. 

Post Treatment 

  • Redness is normal. Redness can persist for a few days, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment. 
  • Immediately after treatment, swelling is joint and expected. You should look sunburned for 24 hours or so.  
  • If you are taking an antiviral, take it as directed. 
  • There may be itching during the healing phase, but it is entirely natural. Benadryl can cause drowsiness if taken orally. Scarring and pigmentation complications may result from scratching the treated area. 

Post Care 

  • You may use a calming, clean moisturizer or skin nectar. We do not recommend any moisturizer with color, fragrance, or essential oils. We have suggested that Alastin products be available for purchase at the spa. Using a moisturizer with petroleum may be suited for individuals who receive more graduated coverage. An alternate product recommendation is Vanicream (Target or Walmart)  
  • Do not use retinol, vitamin C, or other essential oils during healing.  
  • Cleanse the skin twice daily after the treatment using plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. Again, we recommend our Alastin products. Alternate product – Cetaphil or CeraVE. Gently apply the cream with your hands. Pat dry with a soft cloth after using the cleanser and water. Do not use an exfoliant or skin care brush, such as Clarisonic, on the treated area. It could cause scarring and pigmentation complications. Doing so could result in scarring and pigmentation complications. During the first 24 hours after treatment, peeling and flaking may occur, allowing them to fall off naturally. PICKING, RUBBERING, OR FORCING SKIN OFF DURING THE HEALING PROCESS CAN RESULT IN SCARRING, PIGMENTATION COMPLICATIONS, AND INFECTION! 
  • Apply sunscreen daily beginning the day of treatment and be vigilant. We have several options for continued and tinted sunscreens at the spa that we highly recommend. In our beautiful climate, there is never a safe time not to use sunscreen on your resurfaced skin. You should wear a hat and clothing that covers the treated area if direct sun exposure is necessary.  
  • It is usually possible to wear makeup after the peeling process.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after the skin has healed. 

When to call us: 

There may be some swelling immediately post-treatment; in case of excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, please contact the office directly. 

The next are signs of infection: 

  • Pus-like drainage 
  • An increase in warmth at or around the treated area 
  • A fever of 101.5 or higher 
  • Extreme itching

Pre Treatment


Cleanse the skin twice daily with plain, lukewarm water and gentle cleanser. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant before (or after treatment).  


It is possible to apply moisturizer at any time. Moisturizers should not contain fragrances, color, or any essential oils. We have several recommended options in the spa that have been proven safe and improve results.  


Do not use any Retin A or retinol-containing products for at least three days before any chemical peel. We recommend using hydroquinone before treatment (contact us if you have a darker skin tone and have questions). Stop hydroquinone three days before treatment.  


If you are prone to cold sores and want a prescription for Valtrex, please get in touch with us or your doctor – this is necessary for any laser near your mouth.

Post Care 

  • Once your skin is cool, use a calming, clean moisturizer. We do not recommend any moisturizer with color, fragrance, or essential oils. We have suggested that Alastin products be available for purchase at the spa. Using a moisturizer with petroleum may be suited for individuals who receive more graduated coverage ONLY AFTER 24 HOURS once the skin is incredible. The cream may be sufficient for less aggressive treatments. An alternate product recommendation is Vanicream (Target or Walmart) 
  • Cleanse the skin twice daily with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser for the first few days following the treatment. Again, we recommend our Alastin products. Alternate product – Cetaphil or CeraVE. To properly cleanse your skin, use your hands to apply the cleanser and water gently. Afterward, pat dry with a soft cloth. It is important not to rub or scrub the treated area. Using an exfoliant or skin care brush, like Clarisonic, can cause scarring and pigmentation complications.
  • Flaking and peeling generally occur within 24 hours post-treatment, and allowing them to come off naturally is advisable. DURING THE HEALING PROCESS, DO NOT PICK, RUB, OR FORCE OFF ANY SKIN; THIS COULD CAUSE SCARRING, PIGMENTATION COMPLICATIONS, AND INFECTION! It will help to promote peeling if you gently wash your skin more frequently. 
  • It is essential to wear sunscreen every day, starting the day of treatment and using it diligently afterward. We have several options for continued and tinted sunscreens at the spa that we highly recommend. In our beautiful climate, there is never a safe time not to use sunscreen on your resurfaced skin. Cover the treated area with a hat or clothing if direct sun exposure is necessary.  
  • Typically, after the peeling process is complete, it is possible to apply makeup. 
  • Once the skin has healed, avoid strenuous exercise and sweating. 

When to call us:

There may be some swelling after treatment; if you experience excessive swelling or other signs of infection, please contact us immediately. 

Here are some signs of infection: 

  • Pus-like drainage 
  • An increase in warmth at or around the treated area 
  • Fever of 101.5 or greater 
  • Extreme itching

Pre Treatment

SUN EXPOSURE. An active suntan will increase your chances of burning if you have a base tan; we can use our painless LHR machine, but only with reduced settings that will deliver fewer results. It includes sunless tanning lotions and spray tans.  


Please arrive with clean, shaven skin. You can have a small amount of stubble, but hair with length will increase the pain of the laser. If you arrive unshaven by several days, we will not be able to treat you due to time. If you require help with shaving (your back) – please let  

us know, and we will allow time for this before your treatment here at the spa. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant before (or after treatment).  


It is possible to apply moisturizer at any time. Moisturizers should not contain fragrances, color, or any essential oils. We have several recommended options in the spa that have been proven safe and improve results.  


If you are prone to cold sores and want a Valtrex prescription, please get in touch with us or your doctor. It is not a usual complication of LHR. 

If your doctor needs to put you on an antibiotic for other reasons, or if you take antibiotics regularly, please let us know – we may need to reschedule your laser or adjust your medications with your doctor.  

Post Treatment

  • You may notice swelling around the hair follicles. It is called perifollicular edema and is a good sign that your treatment works. It should go away within a few hours of your treatment. 
  • Rarely, itchiness may occur. 

Oral Benadryl may alleviate itching but can cause drowsiness. Avoid scratching the treated area to prevent scarring and pigmentation issues. Oral Benadryl may relieve itching but can cause drowsiness. To prevent scarring and hyperpigmentation, avoid scratching the treated area, and call us if this is significant. 

Post Care 

  • Use sunscreen daily, starting the day of your treatment, and be vigilant about it 

Stay out of the sun the day of treatment and for any time if there seems to be some residual irritation to the hair follicles.  

When to call us – 

There may be some degree of follicular edema post-treatment; however, if you have excessive swelling, skin changes, or pain, you should contact the office immediately.

MOXI is an excellent alternative to HALO. Promoted as the gentle approach to radiant skin, MOXI offers beautiful results with almost no social downtime and is safe year-round. Moxi is a fractionated 1927 nm wavelength laser – the perfect wavelength to prevent, revitalize, transform, and renew the surface of your skin. It is also an excellent choice for hyperpigmentation and melasma concerns! Recommended care before and after your MOXI ensures optimal results

Pre Treatment  

Sun Exposure:  

Please stay out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning on the day of treatment. Moxi is a year-round treatment; otherwise, we can proceed with your rejuvenating laser! Please DO NOT use sunless tanning lotions or spray tan on your face before treatment.  


Cleanse the skin twice daily with plain, lukewarm water and gentle cleanser. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant before (or after treatment).  


It is possible to apply moisturizer at any time. Moisturizers should not contain fragrances, color, or any essential oils. We have several recommended options in the spa that have been proven safe and improve results.  


Do not use Retin A or retinol-containing products for at least three days before laser treatment. We recommend using hydroquinone before treatment (contact us if you have a darker skin tone and have questions). Stop hydroquinone three days before treatment.  


If you are prone to cold sores and would like a prescription for Valtrex, please get in touch with us or your doctor – this is essential for any laser near your mouth. 

If your doctor needs to put you on an antibiotic for other reasons, or if you take antibiotics regularly, please let us know – we may need to reschedule your laser or adjust your medications with your doctor.  

Post Treatment

  • Redness is normal. Redness can persist for a few days, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment. 

Swelling is joint and expected immediately after treatment. Reduce swelling by using cold compresses or ice packs. 

After the treatment, the treated area may feel warm for a few hours. During this time, cold compresses or ice packs may provide comfort.  

  • A day or two following treatment, you may see tiny dark spots and a bronzed appearance. MENDS means microscopic epidermal necrotic debris (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris). There is a large amount of melanin in the microscopic wounds known as MENDS in people who have pigmented skin or sun damage-caused pigmented lesions. There are so many MENDS that they can cause the skin to appear bronzed and crusty (do not try to scratch them off). It is part of the healing process, where treated tissue works out of your body as new, fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be dehydrated, flaky, and sandpaper-like.  
  • If you are taking an antiviral, continue taking it as directed. 
  • Post-treatment pain can be relieved by over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers, such as Extra Strength Tylenol, if the doctor orders. 
  • There may be itching during the healing phase, but it is entirely natural. Benadryl may help with the itching, but it can also cause drowsiness. Scarring and pigmentation complications can occur if you scratch the treated area.

Post Care 

  • Once your skin is cool, use a calming, clean moisturizer. We do not recommend any moisturizer with color, fragrance, or essential oils. We have recommended that Alastin products be available at the spa for purchase. Using a moisturizer with petroleum may be suited for individuals who receive more  

graduated coverage ONLY AFTER 24 HOURS once the skin is incredible. The cream may be sufficient for less aggressive treatments. An alternate product recommendation is Vanicream (Target or Walmart)  

  • Cleanse the skin twice daily after the treatment using plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. Again, we recommend our Alastin products. Alternate product – Cetaphil or CeraVE. Apply the cleanser and water gently to your hands, and pat them dry afterward. DO NOT rub, scrub, or use a skin care brush, such as a Clarisonic, on treated skin. Scarring and pigmentation complications may result. 
  • After skin treatment, it is expected to experience flaking and peeling within 24 hours. During the healing process, allowing the skin to come off naturally without picking, rubbing, or forcing it off is essential. Such actions could lead to scarring, pigmentation complications, and infection. Instead, washing the skin gently and more frequently is advisable to promote the peeling process.
  • Use sunscreen daily beginning the day of treatment and be vigilant in applying it. We have several options for continued and tinted sunscreens at the spa that we highly recommend. In our beautiful climate, there is never a safe time not to use sunscreen on your resurfaced skin. Cover the treated area with a hat and clothing if direct sun exposure is needed. 
  • You can usually wear makeup after the peeling process is complete. 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after the skin has healed. 

When to call us – 

There may be some swelling immediately post-treatment; however, if there is excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, contact us as soon as possible. Infection symptoms are: 

Pus-like drainage 

Heat at or around the treated area 

  • A fever of 101.5 or higher 
  • Extreme itching

Physicians have used lasers for many years. Halo Pro Laser combines 1470 nm non-ablative laser and 2940 nm ablative laser technologies. It creates controlled coagulation zones to specific depths in the dermis, stimulating neocollagenesis. Additionally, it fractionally vaporizes (ablates) micro laser channels in the epidermis, addressing the tone and texture of the epidermis.

Halo fractional treatment caters to skin concerns, health, and healing ability. Erythema and edema are desired responses post-treatment. Redness and healing time depend on the depth and coverage of the procedure.

Pre Treatment 

Cleanse the skin twice daily with plain, lukewarm water and gentle cleanser. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant before (or after treatment).  

It is possible to apply moisturizer at any time. Moisturizers should not contain fragrances, color, or any essential oils. We have several recommended options in the spa that have been proven safe and improve results.  


Do not use Retin A or retinol-containing products for at least three days before laser treatment. We recommend using hydroquinone before treatment (contact us if you have a darker skin tone and have questions). Stop hydroquinone three days before treatment.  


If you are prone to cold sores and want a prescription for Valtrex, please get in touch with us or your doctor – this is necessary for any laser near your mouth. 

If your doctor needs to put you on an antibiotic for other reasons, or if you take antibiotics regularly, please let us know – we may need to reschedule your laser or adjust your medications with your doctor.  

  • Pinpoint bleeding may occur. Depending on the treatment depth, it can last a few to 12 hours and may only apply to certain treated areas. It is most common around the mouth or in areas of lines/scarring.  
  • Immediately after treatment, swelling is joint and expected. If you experience swelling after a treatment, apply an ice pack or cold compress. To prevent further swelling, make sure that you sleep in an upright position on the first night after the treatment. Swelling is more common during the first morning after the treatment, particularly under the eyes. The duration of swelling may vary from 2 to 4 days, depending on your treatment and your tendency to have “allergy eyes.” Andrea has previously experienced swelling for a week after aggressive treatments.
  • The treated area may be hot for 12-24 hours afterward. Cold compresses and ice packs can alleviate discomfort during this period. DO NOT APPLY  ANY OCCLUSIVE DRESSING SUCH AS AQUAPHOR OR VASELINE DURING  THIS TIME – IT WILL TRAP THE HEAT! 
  • Two to three days after treatment, you will notice tiny dark spots and a bronzed appearance to the treated skin. It is called the MENDS (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris). In individuals with heavily pigmented skin or areas where sun damage has caused pigmented lesions, the tiny wounds contain a large amount of pigment. There are so many MENDS that they can make the skin look bronzed and small areas appear crusted (don’t try to scratch them off). It is part of the healing process where treated tissue works to expel out of your body as new, fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be dehydrated, have a sandpaper texture, and will begin to flake and peel. If the face requires treatment, it could take 5-7 days for peeling to complete. If the neck, chest, or other body part needs treatment, this process could take up to 2  weeks. 
  • After peeling, your skin will have a rosy, pink glow that will gradually subside. Your clinician will advise you when it’s safe to use makeup and which type you should use. 
  • If you are taking an antiviral, continue to take it as directed. 
  • Following treatment, you may experience discomfort that can be relieved with oral pain relievers such as Extra Strength Tylenol. In addition, if prescribed by your doctor, you can also take the prescribed pain medication. 
  • Itching during the healing phase is normal. You can take oral Benadryl to help relieve the itching, but be aware that it may make you sleepy. Scarring and pigmentation complications may occur.

Post Care 

  • Once your skin is excellent, you may use a calming, clean moisturizer. We do not recommend any moisturizer with color, fragrance, or essential oils. We have recommended that Alastin products be available at the spa for purchase. Using a moisturizer with petroleum may be suited for individuals who receive more  

graduated coverage ONLY AFTER 24 HOURS once the skin is incredible. The cream may be sufficient for less aggressive treatments. An alternate product recommendation is Vanicream (Target or Walmart)  

  • Cleanse the skin twice daily after treatment using plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. Again, we recommend our Alastin products. Alternate product – Cetaphil or CeraVE. Gently apply the cream with your hands, letting it dry with a soft cloth after using the cleanser and water. Do not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant or a skin care brush in the treated area, such as a Clarisonic. Scarring and pigmentation complications could result. 
  • After the treatment, skin peeling and flaking may occur within 24 hours. It is essential to let the skin come off naturally and avoid picking, rubbing, or forcing any skin off during the healing process. Such actions could lead to scarring, pigmentation complications, and infection. To help promote the peeling process, gently washing the skin more frequently is recommended.
  • Use sunscreen daily and vigilantly beginning the day of treatment. We have several options for continued and tinted sunscreens at the spa that we highly recommend. In our beautiful climate, there is never a safe time not to use sunscreen on your resurfaced skin. Cover the treated area with a hat and clothing if direct sun exposure is required.  
  • It is usually possible to wear makeup after the peeling process.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after the skin has healed. 

When to call us – 

There may be some swelling immediately post-treatment; in case of excessive swelling or signs of infection, please get in touch with our office directly. Infection symptoms include: 

  • Pus-like drainage 
  • An increase in warmth around the treated area 
  • A fever of 101.5 or higher 
  • Extreme itching
White-Sun-Icon by Salt Aesthetics bar in Wilmington


Wilmington - (910) 769-1780

Hampstead - (910) 319-0524

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